Canis Blanketus

 I have many things I need to post about, most notably the Ravenous Romance Ornery Eleven (Formerly Dirty Dozen) Blog Tour, which is kicking off on April 18th, but because I am on a deadline at work and that will be a link-formatting heavy post, and because I really want to post something new RIGHT NOW, I’m sharing some wild life info a friend sent me.  Thank you, Deb!  

To protect baby while mama is out foraging for food, Canis blanketus  females train their young to lie

motionless for hours at a time.  Unless the baby moves, it is invisible, so seamlessly does it blend into its natural environment.


(And if you can’t wait for me to get my act together to find out more about the tour, go to C. Margery Kempe’s blog here ’cause she’s already got the schedule up and running)


I just finished up with my part of the rewrites for WHAT WOMEN REALLY WANT IN BED, co-written with my dear friend and amazing writer Cynthia Gentry. I thought these rewrites were going to take much longer than they did…but the process wasn’t too bad at all.  I’ve also read Cindi’s rewrites so far and have to say they are fantastic.  But then, I expect no less from my talented pal.  I don’t think I’ve read anything by her, fiction or non-fiction, that isn’t engrossing and at a very professional level.  Plus she’s a wine lover too, so what’s not to like?

I also have finished my posts for Make Mine Mystery (up tomorrow, which is Sunday), Fatal Foodies (up Monday, which is the day after tomorrow), and The Book Wenches (up April 3rd, which is next Friday).   I’m ahead of the game instead of scrambling to get something up three hours after I should have posted.   It’s a good feeling…and an increasingly rare one these days.

Next up on my plate is assembling the posts for the Ravenous Romance Dirty Dozen Blog Book Tour, 14 stops of erotic romantic fun starting mid-April and wrapping up on May 2nd.  Deets to follow as I get this puppy scheduled!  I’m about halfway there and now I have an extra day (tomorrow) to make some headway!  Wheee!!!!

I also have a new blog to add to the list – this is the Ravenous Romance author blog.  Not the one on the RR website, but a new one here.

Aside from the writing, you ask?  Well, it was gorgeous here in San Francisco this morning, so I went for a two hour walk on the beach.  I wore a sundress and got color on my arms and shoulders, collected some prime pieces of beach glass, and then enjoyed the sight of the mist rolling back in to semi-shroud the shore and Outer Sunset District.  It’s sunny again now, but I’m sure the fog will be back.  I love this weather.

Now I’m going to have a glass of Brutocao 2005 Reserve D’aregenta Pinot Noir, watch Tom Cruise get sucked into the anus of an alien warship (War of the Worlds, if you must ask) and work on CHAMPAGNE, my next book for Ravenous Romance.  I feel…relaxed.  I like the feeling and hope I can keep it around for a while.

Angry Torso is Back!


But this time…he’s going to print!

Yup, Ravenous Romance is releasing a selection of their best-selling books in print format, to be available in approximately a month and RIPPING THE BODICE is one of them.  If this goes well, other RR titles will also go into print.  I’m delighted because now I can add RtB to my coffee table collection of my books where I’ll be able to look at Angry Torso Man whenever I want!

Kudos to April Martinez, Ravenous Romance’s cover artist, btw!

Two More Good Reviews for Ripping the Bodice

And Dana/Inara do (does?) a happy dance!

First, an excerpt from Nixy Valentine:

“The book is peppered with dreams and daydreams in which our romance-loving protagonist perpetually indulges.  Each one more silly than the last, and they get downright funny when Cassandra’s “real life” begins to intrude upon her fantasies. The story is one of personal growth and the conflict between fantasy and reality, and is cleverly written with wit.”

Click here for the full review.

And from Moira with The Girls on Books:

“As my first introduction to Ms Lavey’s writing, I am impressed. The story was lighthearted and fun, full of witty comments and charm. “

Click here for the full review.

Please leave comments at these blogs.  I really appreciate the time and thought that went into both interviews and want to send traffic their way.

And now back to work on Champagne…

Let’s Put on a Show!

This is me and my best friend and ex-business partner, Maureen.  I’m the one with the gun and Maureen is the one with the justifiably smug expression.

Maureen and I met in high school and bonded over Daphne DuMaurier, Gene Kelly and a mutual desire to wander around moors at odd hours wearing flowing capes.

We also shared a belief that we could do just about anything we set our minds to, very much along the lines of ‘Hey, let’s put on a show!  We can use my parents’ barn…Sophie sews and she’ll make the costumes!  And we’ll get all our friends to act!’  We ran a mystery-oriented theater troupe, did haunted houses for Maureen’s sister and her friends when they had parties, and much more.

We honestly didn’t know what we were doing or the odds we faced at actually pulling any of these ventures off, which gave us a wildly inflated optimism at our ability to succeed.  And because we didn’t know any better, we generally did accomplish our goals. We also managed to drag friends/family and assorted actors and musicians along with our enthusiastic plans. Sometimes we made money and sometimes we didn’t.  But no one ever complained, probably due to the quantity of freshly-baked treats we supplied.

So no no-one in our circle was at all surprised when Mo and I decided to make a movie. We dashed out a script in a week or so, cast it amongst ourselves and our circle of actors, found a friend who’d taken film courses at UCSD and had a video camera, and got to work. We knew nothing of lighting.  We had no microphones and figured we do all the dialogue not caught in the actual filming after the fact (I’ve since learned it’s called ADR and have, in fact, done dubbing for other actors…but that’s another story).  We found locations, including a B&B in Idyllwild, California, run by my ex in-laws, set up a shooting schedule, and set about filming.  The film was called Passion’s Purple Prose and was about a young woman so caught up in her fantasies, she can’t recognize true love when it stares her in the face. I played the heroine and Maureen the best friend. 

We filmed about two thirds of the script before the loss of our leading man (divorce/moving out of town) effectively put the kibosh on our careers as successful Hollywood writer/director/producer triple threats.  I still have three videotapes stuffed full of footage.  Every now and again I threaten Maureen with a public viewing.

I was going through a suitcase of my old writing a couple months ago and found the script for Passion’s Purple Prose, lines of dialogue highlighted in fluorescent yellow.  Re-reading the script, I both winced at some really cheesy dialogue and painfully bad jokes…and genuinely laughed at some of the humor.  It had possibilities.  A rewrite was definitely in order, but…it had possibilities.  “Hey,” I told myself.  “Let’s turn this into an erotic romance!  It has good characters… they could have sex…and I could pitch it to Ravenous!”  So I sent the synopsis and first 25 pages of the script to Holly, changed the name to Ripping the Bodice, and she said I could use her barn if I made the costumes!

So any of you who read RtB and are REALLY curious…come visit me in San Francisco and if  you get me to drink enough wine, I might just break out the original footage.

(P.S. I’m still doing a happy dance ’cause Ripping the Bodice is currently #4 on the Top 10 list and #1 in the Contemporary Romance category.) 

Ripping the Bodice Cover!

Or ‘Squeeee!!!’  EIther expression works.  Anyway, I just got the jpg of my new book cover with Ravenous Romance and am VERY happy with it.  To quote my own sell sheet:

Got sex and romance on the brain? So does Cassandra Devon. She also has hard-boiled private eyes, dashing pirates, jet-setting super spies and other sexy rogues entertaining her in her surprisingly explicit subconscious. All these erotic daydreams make it hard to stay focused on Cassandra’s current dilemma: namely, rebuffing the advances of Connor, a wild Irish rascal who wants to play the starring role in her fantasies. Cassandra is only interested in getting together with Raphael, the tall, dark and handsome man of her dreams. May the best romance hero win!

Walter Mitty meets Erica Jong in this wickedly funny and sexy hot comedy-romance from the author of Succubusted.

My original cover concept was this:

A play on a stereotypical historical romance cover from the ’80s: our heroine, Cassandra (lots of long, wavy dark brown hair) bent over backwards in the steely armed embrace of a tall, dark auburn-haired, muscular man kissing her neck. He’s either bare-chested or dressed in dashing pirate/cavalier garb. Cassandra, however, has her green eyes covered with glasses and is reading a romance novel, cover clearly visible, over the man’s shoulder. Her expression and interest are clearly more on the book than the man holding her.

While I still love my idea, I am equally fond of the cover the Ravenous artists came up with.

Ripping the Bodice will be out on Ravenous Romance…(drumroll) tomorrow!  So if you like comedy, romance and a little bit…okay, a lot of sex, please check it out!

What If…

I just posted on my Ravenous Romance author blog…would you all be sweethearts and go check it out here?  I swear I will write something completely different for this blog tomorrow.  I’m trying not to cross post too much…but I do have to work on What Women Really Want in Bed tonight, so I had to choose my posting forum.

If you do meander over to check out the RR post, do please leave comments!  They’re half the fun!


I just spent 20 minutes writing a post and, because of our wonky ‘net connection (curse you, AT&T!), I lost it when I used the spellcheck function.  I am tired and cranky and not inclined to try and recreate it right now.  I have a four month old kitten on one arm and he keeps farting.  I fear nerve gas induced brain damage.

I wrote two other posts today, one for my Ravenous Romance Inara LaVey author blog (I actually have four posts up there) and the other for Make Mine Mystery.  If you’re so inclined to read ’em, it would go a long way to alleviate my crankiness if you left comments on those blogs.  It won’t do anything to stop Sunbear from farting, but a little Tiger Balm under my nostrils should help that…

And as a P.S., I got my first review for Succubusted on a site other than Ravenous!  Check it out at the Romance Bureau.  I love this site, and not just because they gave me a good review.  It’s got a really clever set-up!  Make sure to check out the ‘agents’ photo page.