Four and a Half Cherries, with Whipped Cream on Top!

Ripping the Bodice just got an awesome review from Whipped Cream Reviews and Dana/Inara is happy dancing again.  Time for Angry Torso Man to ‘glare’ at you (his nipples are really eyes, see, and he’s glaring with them) again!  

Here’s a teaser…

Ripping the Bodice is clever and witty in its use of the romance genre to explore how too much of a good thing can twist a woman’s expectations, landing her in hilarious hot water.

 Please read the rest and leave a comment on the review site if you have a sec!  And thank you, to the lovely  Xeranthemum, for her more than kind words about my writing!  

Just When I Started Getting Sulky…

…about lack of time to do online promotions for my books, I got an email from Teagan at that they’d reviewed Ripping the Bodice.  Just the pick-me-up I needed for the day!  Here’s a brief excerpt:

“If you’re looking for a big dose of fun to go along with your romance, look no farther than Inara Lavey’s novel Ripping the Bodice. This story positively sparkles with wit and humor that will keep the reader laughing all the way through and wondering what on earth could possibly happen next.”

Click here to read the rest, and join me in my happy dance!  🙂