I am continually impressed by bloggers who post every day and always have something pithy/witty/introspective/insightful/entertaining to say. Doesn’t matter if they have anything major going on in their lives; trivial incidents or thoughts are transformed into fun-to-read vignettes, whereas I have trouble writing about major events in my life. I haven’t finished writing about Left Coast Crime, which happened back in March, and while I’ve thought about my book tour and stuff that would make good blog fodder, I just can’t get inspired enough to work on it. Now to give myself a break, I busted my ass working on a ghost writing project with Dave for a friend of ours. Major deadline, lots of work to be done. We did it and I’m still a bit burned out. Plus I will be doing a bit more of the ghost writing and have to rev back up for that. But other people seem to be veritable writing machines.
So I guess this post is more about the reasons I’m not caught up than actually catching up. I’m cranky. It shouldn’t be PMS, too soon. Can a gal have pre-PMS? PPMS? Right now I just feel like ripping someone’s head off. I think this is called a burn-out. Anyway, I’m gonna sip some wine and work on MFH: The Big Snooze for a bit. The ghost writing will wait till tomorrow night when I’m not so tired nor so grumpy.