Awwww, I am adored!

Well, nice!  Check out my review from the BookWenches, one of my favorite review sites out there!  And NOT just because they give me good reviews.  Please go check out their site for fun reviews, author interviews and other nifty stuff!  

Title: Succubusted.
Author: Inara Lavey
Author’s website:
Publisher: Ravenous Romance
Release Date: December 2008
ISBN: 978-1-60777-102-9
Length: Short Story
Format: Electronic
Genre: Contemporary Paranormal
Sensuality Level: 3
Rating: 4.25

Reviewed by: Teagan S. Boyd

Being part human and part succubus pretty much sucks. No long term relationships; no staying in one place for very long. Lil draws her energy from sex with men, which leads to the men not being able to get enough of her, and the last thing she wants is to kill them with her libido…or theirs. A day at the carnival just might change all of that. One sexy carnie named Damien might have a surprise of his own.


Succubusted is short, sweet, and to the point. I loved the story and I loved the characters. The humor is delightful and makes the story pop. The sexual fun is combustible and not to be missed. Ms. Lavey paints a picture with wonderfully descriptive words. Her knack for storytelling is unique and addicting. My only complaint is that I wished it was longer; I wanted more.

How can a person not just adore Inara Lavey? She has a fabulously quirky sense of humor, and she never fails to make me giggle. Inara…MORE!

Me again!  Tomorrow I will be posting info on I KISSED A GIRL, a new, soon-t0-be-released anthology from Ravenous Romance.  I have a story in it (the original short story version of CHAMPAGNE, my soon-to-be-finished-and-released novel for RR), as does my favorite Irishman, Kilt Kiltpatrick!  It’s edited by the fabulous Regina Perry, author of PLAYGIRL amongst other things, and…well, more on this tomorrow.  Look for links on my sidebar for all of the authors included in I KISSED A GIRL as well and please visit their websites and show ’em some love … as soon as I get those links up!  Today, I hope.  I’ll also be previewing the cover for IKAG (I loves my acronyms, I does…) tomorrow.  

A few weeks ago I posted about ROCK, PAPER, TIGER,  Lisa Brackmann’s upcoming book with Soho Press.  Click here to see the cover for RPT, truly one of the best covers I’ve ever seen….

News and Announcements!

Which I guess are sort of the same thing, but put together they look so…important!

Okay, first things first!  A relative and writing critique pal of mine, Lisa Brackmann, has sold her book Rock, Paper, Tiger, an ‘existential suspense’ novel, to Soho Press and it will be released in Spring/Summer 2010!  May I hear a WOOT and other assorted noises of celebration?  The book is set in China, a country that Lisa has spent a lot of time exploring.  Visit her blog, Paper Tiger, and read more about her adventures in China and her upcoming book! Lisa’s agent is Nathan Bransford of Curtis Brown.  Who says agents don’t support and sell literary fiction? I’ve read the book in several incarnations, loved it the first time around and am happy to say it just got better and better with the subsequent drafts.  

Second, tomorrow (Wednesday the 15th) is Ravenous Romance Day on Unbound, featuring Isabel Roman, author of the historical paranormal series Dark Desires of the Druids.  Join us as Isabel talks about the suspension of disbelief!  

Other news can wait!