I have been away from my blog for months now, working on publicity for Plague Town, the first in my Ashley Parker series, and then working on the second book, Plague Nation, the cover of which you see before you in all of its eerie glory. I loved the cover for Plague Town. This one makes me even happier, what with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background and multiple zombies instead of one.
Writing Plague Nation has been challenging. I have, according to my sister, classic “Second Book Syndrome.” In other words, my first book has been really well received and gotten overwhelmingly positive reviews, and I’m afraid the second book will suck and no one will like it. I guess this is relatively normal (the fear issues, not that my second book will necessarily suck!), but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.
So… lots of second-guessing and angsting and agonizing over Every. Single.Word. Also lots of publicity work had to be done for Plague Town, much more than anticipated. Which was lovely and fun and made me love the Titan marketing team so much that I’d marry all of them, but also took more time than expected. I am not yet able to write for a living and have a full time day job, and I find I have this annoying need for eight hours of sleep every night in order to be functional at work and tolerable to my fellow human beings.
Seriously, no one likes me when I’ve gone a few days without adequate sleep. We’re talking signs against the evil eye and crosses held up to repel me. It also has meant no spare time for blogging and a brain sucked dry of ideas for posts, like Xander in Starship Troopers. But things are moving along now and I’m inclined to try and post once a week again and stop being such a whiny little bee-otch ’cause I am writing for an awesome publishing company (love you, Titan!) and I’m getting to write about one of my true loves: zombies!
So stay tuned for Plague Nation, due out April 9th, 2013!