I just got word that my first story for Ravenous Romance will be published on December 1st, the day the site officially launches. Needless to say (oh, okay, I DO need to say it!), I’m totally chuffed that my story Succubusted has been chosen to be part of the big day. I’m publishing under the pen name Inara LaVey (the first name is for all you Firefly fans and the second because it appeals to my inner Goth) – ‘Dana Fredsti’ doesn’t work for either romance or erotica. Or erotic romance, for that matter. At least I don’t think it does.
I have been learning a lot about the distinctions between romance, erotica and erotic romance from readers and writers of the various genres, some of whom have been kind enough to give their recommendations and also guide me to sites like Romance Wiki, specifically the sub-genre page. I’ve definitely learned that readers of romance, regardless of genre, have very definite expectations from these genres (how many times can I use the word ‘genre’ in one paragraph, you ask?). If it’s labeled romance, be it paranormal, contemporary or erotic, it had better have a satisfactory emotional story arc between the two main characters. Fair enough. I’m going to be very careful when it comes to describing my various books so readers will know what they’re getting. Trust me – you don’t wanna get romance readers or writers mad at you. They can be scary. 🙂
I’ve downloaded a couple of books from Ellora’s Cave, specifically Dragon’s Warrior and The Hunters: Declan and Tori, by Shiloh Walker. The little I’ve had time to read of Walker’s work tells me I’m gonna enjoy both books. Her writing style (in these two books) is terse, action packed and sexy, and she manages to create vivid and believable characters very quickly. These are short books – one is 137 pages, the other 165 – so her ability to draw a reader into her worlds so quickly is definitely a plus.
The most frustrating thing is knowing I have limited time to read because of my writing deadlines and I do love to read… So I’m not downloading anything else until I finish these two books, as well as the last few chapters of Jean Henry Mead’s Senior Sleuth mystery, A Village Shattered, which is so far a cracking good mystery! Jean will be my guest December 2nd on the second stop of her upcoming blog tour and I’m delighted to host her. And not just because her lead character’s name is Dana. 🙂