Color me embarrassed, but I forgot to post about this earlier! I’m part of a virtual writers’ conference being put on by the lovely and talented Gayle Trent, author of Murder Takes the Cake (highly recommended by Yours Truly!). Authors, editors and agents share war stories and advice at this cost free, cyber-conference. To quote Gayle’s introductory speech, “So while we will not be serving food, what we will be serving up is plenty of helpful information and advice. This advice will come from authors, journalists, freelance writers, columnists, editors, publishers and agents. Two agents are seeking new clients. Come back on Friday for more information on those agents and the types of manuscripts they’re looking for.” For the rest of her intro, go here.
My article is here, but I encourage you to read all of the posts and check back later for new ones! In the archives are fun and informative articles on the editing process, fan fic, writing YA, and much more!
Great story! Perseverance pays off every time. You’ve earned your wings at a great price. It IS worth it. Thank you for sharing. LOL.
Perseverance and learning from one’s mistakes, Jack! Glad you enjoyed the story – it’s 100 percent true!
Sounds great – I’ll have to come back on Friday for sure. 🙂
The Old Silly from Free Spirit Blog
Hey, Old Silly! Good to see you here!
How exciting about that Virtual Writers’ Conference. I read your article and realized indeed that it requires a lot of time and effort to write a book. Congrats for MFH, and hope the sequel goes well too 🙂
How exciting that you got to volunteer at the exotic cat facility and had such amazing experiences with the majestic felines! Have a great week 🙂