Tour Schedule for Dana and Jess

I am going to be joining fellow mystery writer Jess Lourey on a Northwest Coast tour in May. Jess is the author of the humorous soft-boiled cozy Murder by the Month series, must read books for anyone who appreciates good plotting, solid writing with laugh out loud humor, and engaging, likeable and believable protaganists. Go ye and read, says Dana!

Blog Tour Schedule prior to the road trip:

Tuesday, April 22nd:
– Dana interviews Jess Lourey on Pointless Drivel
– Jess interviews Dana at

Friday, May 1st:
– Jess reviews PERUVIAN PIGEON at GM Malliet’s blog on Amazon.
– Saturday, May 2nd: Jess at Cozy Chicks
– Dana & Jess at Dot Dead Diary

Sunday, May 3rd:
– Jess at Killer Hobbies
– Thursday, May 7th, Dana’s review of AUGUST MOON @ Mysterious Musings
– Saturday, May 10th, Dana at Cozy Chicks

Sunday, May 11th:
– Dana at Killer Hobbies

Coast Tour Dates:

Stay tuned for more additions to their tour schedule!

4 thoughts on “Tour Schedule for Dana and Jess

  1. How exciting! May you sell out at every stop…(wait, not you, your book, you know what I meant…)
    I had to do a double-take. When I first glanced through this list, I read that you were ‘singing’ in Portland. I thought, “Ok, I knew she had that gig on Fab’s show, but this is the first I’ve heard of taking it on the road…”

  2. HAH! There may be some singing going on too, especially after the signings when we’ve had some wine!

  3. Dana – your dates/days are a little off but I found some previous postings – I forgot about your contests – but I’ll catch up – I love winning or entering at least for a chance to win – E 🙂

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