I received an email out of the blue yesterday titled quite simply ‘Thank you.’ The return email address didn’t appear to be from a Nigerian asking me to transfer vast sums of money into my bank account or an advert for Viagra, Nude Live Girl photos, or ‘great replica watches,’ so I opened it instead of consigning it to Spam or the trash bucket. I am so glad I did because the ensuing correspondence made my day.
“Dear Dana. Thank you for making me famous in your new novel.”
I scanned down and read his email signature, which included his last name. I am withholding the last name here for the time being, but if you’ve read Murder for Hire and remember the character of Grant, Connie’s boyfriend, you’ll know what it is. Or you can refer to the book quickly and do your own Google search.
I can’t tell you precisely what else was said in the correspondence for fear of giving away some relatively important plot and character points if you haven’t read the book, but the gist of it is that my character’s inadvertent namesake is a college professor and one of his ex-students read my book, noted the character name and contacted Grant, telling him about my book and that my character reminded her of him (her professor). I did a Google search and found out that this real life Grant rates very high on his students’ ‘hot’ scale. Five out of five, in fact. My Grant would be pleased.
I am sending Prof. Grant a copy of MFH so he can see for himself whether or not her comparison is flattering. His sense of humor appears to be up for it, at least if his emails are any indication. We shall see.
My only regret is his ex-student contacted him anonymously because I really would love to talk to her about both her reaction to this specific character and to find out what, exactly, about her ex-professor is reminiscent of him. The character in my book is based on several ex-boyfriends and an annoying actor I worked with. Enquiring minds really want to know here! And I’d also just to love to know who all is reading my book out there. I’m still a geek about the whole ‘people reading my book’ thing, y’know.
I KNEW it! Didn’t I tell you? Not another word outta me. Happy Sunday! Hope your hand is about healed up.
Penny Dreadful
Okay, that’s cool. The student took the time to tell the professor about a character in your book. And the prof took the time to email you about it.
I say again, that’s cool.
Oh, I made Dani happy! Yes, Dani, you knew it. Wise woman, we worship at your feet! My hand is getting there; no swordfighting today, but tae-bo is definitely an option.
Yup, Helen, I think it’s extremely cool too. I’m really looking forward to Prof. Grant’s feedback on his namesake… :->
Loved the post. I used to always wonder where ideas come from. But no matter what, seems art is always the imitator, even when it seems to embellish life. I ask what is life but the sum of our experiences, knowledge, dreams, fears and imagination. Hence, art imitates life. Made me think.
And sometimes what we read or see leads us to try new experiences, so sometimes I think life imitates art as well…
WOW – now that’s cool! What a neat thing to happen. Bet that was a real zinger for your day.
What a cool story! I’ve had an old college classmate find me through my website, but a total stranger taking the time to write – way cool.
It was indeed a zinger, Marvin. I’m just dying of curiosity as to just how much the real life Grant resembles the fictional one! I’m hoping he’ll tell me after he reads the book. And yeah, Charlotte, I was definitely tickled that he took the time to contact me. So far I can tell you all that both Grants are definitely good looking.
That is the coolest thing! How wonderful to know you touched total strangers enough that they would get in touch with you like that!
How very cool! I’ve read your book and loved every single minute of it! I kept trying to figure out who the characters were based on, knowing just a tad about your real life. Great book, and so many truly wonderful lines in it!
I’m trying to read it! I ordered it from Borders & it’s been about 6 weeks now, I think they cancelled it… Can I buy from you?